Vancorp Constructions has an ongoing commitment to safety on site.  The company has a comprehensive Occupational Health and Safety Policy in place and an induction programme on safety procedures is carried out at the start of each project with regular updates on safety issues throughout the works.  All work is monitored to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Codes of Practice with the purpose of establishing:

  • A safe working environment in the workplace
  • The introduction of a framework of occupational health and safety policies and procedures
  • The promotion of safe work practices and safety awareness amongst all site personnel and managers

The keys to the company’s success in occupational health and safety issues are a result of:

  • Establishing a comprehensive company Safety Policy
  • Knowing the requirements of the OH & S Regulations and Codes of Practice and ensuring that they are observed on site
  • Ensuring that all levels of staff receive adequate and appropriate training
  • Establishing work methods to explain the sequence of operations, outlining potential hazards at each stage and indicating precautions to be taken
  • Establishing an OH & S committee on every site incorporating safety supervisor, worker’s safety representative, and first aid officers which conducts regular inspections, meetings and reporting
  • Addressing safety issues and recommendations made by the safety committees
  • Introduction of site inductions, accident reporting, preventative and corrective actions

All Vancorp Constructions employees and contractors are required to comply with this OHS Policy and the Vancorp Constructions OHS Management System at all times.Senior managers and supervisors are responsible for the implementation and dissemination of all matters dealing with the health and safety of employees and contractors under their control.

Employees must cooperate with the employer with regard to OHS actions taken by the employer to maintain safety. In addition employees shall take reasonable care for their own safety and not adversely affect the safety of others at the workplace.